Water meters

Water Meters


Water Meters

We use Master Meter radio read meters for our residential customers and smaller commercial accounts. There are no moving parts inside. You can check your usage on your own by flipping up the lid and recording the meter reads. This is also helpful in detecting whether you have a leak. If you are sure all water and all water using appliances are off, there should be no water moving through the meter and registering. If you are still seeing the meter registering usage, check the most likely culprits: toilet, faucets, water softeners and even furnace humidifiers.
MasterMeterResidential - Copy

For larger commercial accounts we use the Master Meter Octave meter. Like the residential meter you can check on usage by checking the meter register by flipping open the lid.  Some of our commercial accounts have two meters, one for the fire service and the other for domestic service. If an account has an unmetered fire line they are assessed an annual fire charge, based on line size, in the 3rd quarter billing cycle.
